Happy Valentine's Day

Dear SCWLA Members,
Last week, I was in a craft store looking for Valentine's Day decorations. As I walked through the picture section, I saw a poster that read, "Let her sleep. When she wakes, she will move mountains." I stood quietly for a while, just thinking.

Young or old, thick or thin, tall or short, all of us have accomplished amazing things in our lives. All of us, some despite great odds, have graduated from law school and passed bar exams. All of us have been blessed with strength, intelligence and ambition. But some of us, I might say sadly, do not truly appreciate our own worth.

When I was a little girl, all I wanted for Valentine's Day was a velvet-covered box of chocolates. Today, as a grown woman, I want something different -- not only for myself, but for each of you. This year, for Valentine's Day, I want you to take a few moments before you fall asleep to consider your accomplishments, your goals, and your value, not only to your family and your community, but also to yourself. Then, I want you to sleep the sleep of the worthy person you are. Because, remember, "When she wakes, she will move mountains."

Happy Valentine's Day,
Marguerite Willis

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