Online Store
Shop our online store for a wealth of items sporting the SCWLA logo, including the limited edition ladder logo.

SCWLA Custom Heishi Bracelets

Buy the Ladder Pin/Pendant
- Ladder Pin/Pendant Only: $60
- Ladder Pin/Pendant with chain: $70
Chain Options: 16” | 18” | 26”
The ladder pin will be available for sale online soon, or send an email to [email protected] for information on how to place an order.
The Ladder Pin was created as a symbol for South Carolina Women Lawyers, to show their support of each other and their sisters in law. It is symbolic of our commitment to remember the women who are still climbing the ladder behind us as we achieve different levels of success in our careers and our lives. This is reminiscent of Chief Justice Toal's admonition to us to leave the ladder down for other women who are following in our footsteps.The pin was created to commemorate Chief Justice Toal's receipt of the Margaret Brent award and was presented to her by SCWLA to honor her upon her receipt of this national award. Chief Justice Toal's pin is gold while all others are sterling silver. The design of the pin contains the ladder with a Carolina Wren on the steps, with the wren symbolizing the Honorable Carol Connor, the first woman on the SC Court of Appeals. Judge Connor courageously fought and eventually died from breast cancer but not before she publicized her battle and encouraged breast cancer awareness for us all. The Ladder Pin is worn proudly by SCWLA members and was admired by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor during her visit to Charleston, S.C. in 2009. Justice O'Connor commented that the pin is a bonding and unifying symbol for women lawyers in SC and that she would like to emulate that symbol for women in other states.