Member Resources

Member Profiles

If you would like to make updates to your profile, login to our new Referral Network Member Database to keep your information updated. If you have questions, or need assistance, please contact Melinda Lindler.


Get regional information including main contacts and regional counties for SCWLA.


Get Involved

SCWLA is always looking for volunteers to serve on committees. Committee service is a great way to meet and get to know other members while getting more involved with our organization.

Consider running for the Board or serving as an Associate Officer.

Although SCWLA is a state-wide organization, all of its regions have representatives who plan programs of local interest. To get involved at the local level, members can contact their regional representative.

CLE Opportunities

July 09, 2024 12:00 PM
Region: Midlands

2024 at the State House: A Year to Remember

July 31, 2024 12:00 PM
Region: ALL

Artificial Intelligence and the Law

July 18, 2024 5:30 PM
Region: Midlands

Midlands Book Club

Trips, News and Events

2024 Conference